Home » TikTok Vs. Instagram Reels: What’s the Difference?

TikTok Vs. Instagram Reels: What’s the Difference?

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As of now, you’ve seen Instagram’s quick, punchy videos known as Reels.

Since its launch in the year 2020, the use of Reels has increased dramatically.

As a company owner or marketing manager, I know that budgets and resources are limited. Therefore, you’re confronted with some questions:

  1. Should my brand be visible on a brand-new website like TikTok?
  2. Should my company be taking advantage of the new features offered on social media platforms like Reels or IGTV?
  3. How do I begin in these exciting marketing channels, specifically given the capabilities, budgets, and resources?

It’s a tough decision, we’ve got it. Let’s take an in-depth look at TikTok andInstagram Reels to see which direction is the best for you. You can purchase followers on Instagram with Mr.Insta.

What are Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels permit users to make up to 60-second videos that can be played with music and audio. It is also possible to apply effects and filters. Reels can be shared on Stories and the Explore feed, the news feed, and the brand new Reels tab on the user’s profile page.

These channels for sharing are Reels, an excellent option for expanding your presence on Instagram and increasing the visibility of your business.

What are Instagram Reels different from Instagram Stories?

Reels are usually created with a more formal production mind. They’re an enjoyable way to follow trends and make fun, short videos published for a long time on your website.

Reels come with more excellent editing capabilities than Stories, like speed and additional AR (augmented reality) effects, meaning you’ll be able to express yourself.

Another significant distinction can be seen in that Reels are saved and accessed by the users. If a user holds your Reels, it tells Instagram that they enjoy your content. This, in turn, means that the algorithm could give you a boost to your content with a higher organic reach.

Stories, however, are more sporadic and disappear within 24 hours. They enable users to share quick updates between regular posts.

Stories are helpful because they allow you to post multiple times in an extended period without overwhelming your followers with posts or adversely impacting the appearance of your profile.

In all, Reels and Stories have distinct purposes to be used. Each is not superior to one of them. They’re both different content creation and storytelling tools that can help you build your business.

Do you see any differences between Facebook Reels or TikToks?

TikTok is a platform for social networking explicitly made for short multimedia content. In addition to Vine’s short-lived fame and Musical.ly that evolved into the present-day TikTok, you could think of TikTok as the source of this short content format.

Reels were made available by Instagram shortly following TikTok gained acceptance.

Like Instagram’s launch of Stories to counter Snapchat, the introduction of Reels is an attempt by Instagram to thwart TikTok’s uniqueness in rapid development.

This is crucial because TikTok has established a solid foothold within an important demographic compared to Facebook and Instagram, that is, people who are younger than 25.

The future will show whether Instagram will be able to re-engage younger viewers with the same enthusiasm they show for TikTok.

Overall, Reels and TikTok share several similarities in terms of the way they present themselves. But there are a few key distinctions you need to know about.

Professional Content

Many would say it is because Instagram serves as an avenue to share better-crafted and professionally produced content. Therefore, naturally, the expectation of this applies to Reels. On the other hand, TikTok offers a more unfiltered, spontaneous range.

This could be a positive or negative depending on the company’s resources for producing video. Don’t be afraid of trying it out. In general, Instagram Reels are expected to provide the most precise production specifics.

In-app Editing Features

The most notable difference that users highlight is the in-app editing options. TikTok has additional editing options and the possibility to rearrange clips to create a finished video.

It is also possible to add voiceover effects to TikTok that Reels does not offer. Videos with voiceovers have proven to be the most popular form of storytelling on TikTok.


TikTok trending topics are often triggered by video-specific effects, like filters. Furthermore, TikTok excels in the area of letting you personalize your videos.

The Reels counterpart isn’t quite as extensive, but it does provide filters. However, effects and filters are not separate on Reels, so you only have the option of choosing one. Therefore, the look of your finished video could be less flexible compared to your typical TikTok.

Another critical distinction is selecting one of the effects or filters before making the Reel. On TikTok, you can apply effects and filters after making an image.

The music selection and licensing

Due to copyright concerns, Instagram accounts for business only haveaccess to Reels the library with royalty-free music. Additionally, you can upload your sound files. It can be restricted in terms of creativity.

One of the significant advantages of TikTok is that its entire library of music is available to anyone who is a user. It’s evident how trends are picked up on the platform.

Captions, Comment Limits, and Comments

Reels are captioned to a maximum of 2200 characters. The caption limit for TikTok of 100 characters.

There’s less space to get your message across. Therefore, TikTok videos have to be able to carry the weight of communicating the message.

This isn’t necessarily a bad issue; it’s just that it requires a different method. It’s like the use of Twitter in comparison. LinkedIn — similar strategies, but Twitter demands a shorter sentence due to its limited characters.

For better or worse, commenting on TikTok isn’t as easy. It’s a blessing to fit three sentences in an entry. Therefore, if you’re looking to gather feedback in an extended format or build a community in which educational discussions are crucial, Reels may be a better option.


Apart from directly partnering with influential users through the site, there’s a variety of ways for brands to advertise on TikTok. In the past, TikTok was very exclusive in terms of advertising options, allowing only large-name brands to use the platform.

The costs of advertisements on TikTok have decreased substantially since the year 2020. Additionally, the platform’s advertising capabilities have enabled various standard advertising options that include DMA targeting.

Five of the most common TikTok ads are listed below:

  • Brand Takeover ads
  • Top-View Ads
  • Ads in feeds
  • Hashtag Challenges
  • Branded Effects

However, there were some displeasures about TikTok that media buyers have voiced.

Some people complain that there isn’t enough capacity to increase the size of campaigns. This means that a campaign may start very well, after which it begins to lose performance. There are also complaints about the support of TikTok’s customers not being practical problems with billing and accounts being banned from advertising without explanation.

Advertising using Instagram Reels

Instagram’s advertising platform, in contrast, is naturally powered by Facebook. It is perhaps the most efficient advertising platform to date. This means you can take advantage of incredible possibilities for targeting Reels ads.

Advertising in Instagram Reels is relatively new.

Reels ads are full-screen and vertical, similar to ads on Instagram Stories.

They play between the individual Reels. Like regular Reels, content advertisements run continuously and last as long as 30 minutes. Individuals can comment, like, view, save and share Reels ads.

Reels advertisements can be seen on the top locations to access Reels content, such as the Reels tabs, Reels in Explore, and Reels in your feed.

Is TikTok superior to Instagram Reels?

The decision of which one is more effective depends on why you’re making use of the platforms.

  • Do you wish to advertise your company?
  • Are your clients typically under 35?
  • Are your customers relying on your brand for casual content or entertainment?
  • Are you working to build your audience in the field of the independent creator?

These questions and many more are crucial if you’re contemplating joining the world of social media.

It’s not possible to be everywhere at all times. If you’re spread too thinly, the quality of content will diminish, and your role within a channel will diminish since it receives less focus.

Be honest about yourself. Take note of the capabilities and resources available to you within your company.

What is the reason for Reels?

However, Instagram Reels is an ideal platform to interact with your followers where they are, especially if you have an excellent Instagram presence in general.

Since Reels are merely a feature built within the Instagram machine, Instagram and its success could be a more accessible lift. Not only will your current viewers get to see your reels; however, they may be able to loop into your other content through stories as well as feed posts, IGTV, and shopping.

It makes for a “sticky” experience and keeps customers connected to your brand.

Why TikTok?

TikTok is different.

Since this is a brand-new platform, you’ll have to start from scratch to establish an online presence.

In contrast to Instagram, Reels TikTok doesn’t belong in a more extensive range of features that can draw and keep customers’ attention.

Although that could be a significant disadvantage, I’m not trying to portray it as harmful. TikTok is flourishing! It’s like the first days of Instagram, in which the organic reach was phenomenal, and the newness of the platform is exciting the people who use it.

The ability to impress users and the algorithm using the algorithm on Instagram is a challenge compared to TikTok.

On TikTok, There’s just lesser content on the feed. So, there’s less competition to get attention.

Due to its novelty and many users due to its popularity, the algorithm is more lenient in sending content out to people who aren’t followers. Similar to how Facebook and Instagram utilized to offer millions of organic followers to virtually every post.

TikTok’s content is primarily fueled by creative people and comprises lifehacks, trending topics, and just plain people having fun. The main thing is entertainment.

Like the previous feature, Reels are more refined, are used more by companies, and are merely an additional feature to the other Instagram features.

In the end, both choices can work well in marketing your company. The primary factor that influences your decision on allocating time and resources is primarily based on your vision of the result, your product’s characteristics, and your market.


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